Monday, August 15, 2011

Are you pregnant?

So, when I was pregnant, I read about 4 million books, looked on even more websites, and pestered all my friends who had already had children. I was "researching" everything - from the legit, like "What to Expect When You're Expecting," to crazy forums I found links to on page 12 of my google searches. 

Needless to say, I could have used some help on a few questions. 
Not necessarily the "call the doctor right now" types, 
but more along the lines of 
"One website says I can't have a coke and this one says I can have 5 a day... which is right?"

Enter:  OTIS.
While the name is tricky, the acronym is not. 
And let me tell ya, I wish I would have known about this, oh, say, about 18 months ago. 

They help with everything; they will answer your questions about your pregnancy and even breastfeeding, provide free counseling, keep you OFF the stupid internet posts that could have been written by anyone, and they even answer the phone after hours and on weekends, just in case. 

In their own words, which sound much more professional than mine:

Women often do not find out they are pregnant weeks or months into their pregnancy.  During that time, they worry if they have done harm to their developing baby by taking medications, drinking, being exposed to environmental hazards, etc.  We at the Texas Pregnancy Risk Line (Texas affiliate of OTIS) answer questions concerning exposures before and during pregnancy as well as during breastfeeding.  This can be anything from dying your hair to using illicit drugs.  We are a FREE service--give us a call and we will gladly counsel you over the phone considering the latest research and your specific dosage and timing.  The internet has a lot of misinformation on it that can bring about unnecessary worry.  Questions you think are silly are very welcome as well, because we know you might not feel comfortable asking your health care provider, but it is something that concerns you.  We serve 17 states and have been in operation for 20 years.  Give us a ring at 1-866-626-6847 or email at  

If you're preggo, or feeding the little babe and have a question, 
you should definitely check them out.

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